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Sep 04 2022 - 15:30

Sala conferenze del Mart, Rovereto

Mar mediterraneo sud-occidentale

Laura Canali

Laura Canali, Linguaggi 2022

The Mediterranean Sea has always been a pivotal connection between the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. Italy is uniquely positioned in a privileged and strategic location. The Strait of Sicily serves as a crossroads for routes, fishing activities, internet cables, and migratory journeys from across North Africa. This complex web of activities makes Sicily a significant telematic and commercial hub, important not only for Italy but also for the European Union.

In the western part of the Mediterranean Sea, countries like Algeria are establishing an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) that extends to the shores of Sardinia, the largest island in the Mediterranean, prompting Italy to expedite significant decisions regarding its yet-to-be-defined EEZ. Using a map from Limes, Canali will present a well-reasoned proposal for Italy's exclusive economic space.

The meeting is moderated by Lorenzo Ferrari.

Laura Canali. Cartographer, has been collaborating with the magazine Limes since 1993 and with the Scuola di Limes. She has worked with: L’Espresso, I Viaggi di Repubblica, National Geographic Italia, Casa Editrice Paravia and Pearson, Repubblica TV, World Bank, Mondadori, Barilla Foundation, Società Dante Alighieri, Rai Storia, and Inarch.

Project realized in collaboration with Mart - Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Trento and Rovereto, Limes, and Libreria Piccoloblu.