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Aug 31 2024 - 09:00

Mart - Conference hall

"Migrant" is not enough

Abdelfetah Mohamed and Luca Misculin

Abdelfetah Mohamed in conversation with Luca Misculin

The word "migrant" is often used to describe people even after many years of being settled in a new home, in a new country. Behind this word lie stories, identities, pieces of life that we tend not to see. A journey can change everything, but it does not wipe out anything.

Abdelfetah Mohamed, a writer and human rights activist, has worked on the border and on board rescue ships since 2016. He was born as a refugee in a refugee camp in Sudan, lived in Eritrea and then Libya, and now resides in Sicily. With an interest in the study of Italian colonial history, he is founder of the Italian Eritrean Heritage Documentation and Study Initiative. Since May 2024 he has been president of Sos Mediterranée Italy.

Luca Misculin, journalist. Since 2013 he has worked for the Post, for which he mainly covers Europe and migration. On Saturdays he hosts the weekend edition of Morning, the Post's press review podcast. In 2023 he made the podcast "La nave", a daily account on board the Geo Barents of Médecins Sans Frontières. In the past he collaborated with Il Foglio and Ultimo Uomo magazine.


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