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Oriente Occidente Studio

Body, space, time and then?

Alessio Maria Romano and Katharina Conradi

The Laban/Bartenieff Movement System is many things, but above all an instrument to observe, read, describe, interpret, study, make aware and therefore free the body, movement and dance.

The two-day event is a first opportunity to get to know and discuss what the system is in terms of its practice and study. This appointment is intended as a first and basic introductory account of the research and evolution of Rudolf Laban and Irmgard Bartenieff's work over the years in Europe and around the world.

Alessio Maria Romano and Katharina Conradi will illustrate a number of categories of the system by means of hands-on sessions and moments of dialogue and sharing of experiences.

The workshop is part of the FURTHER STEPS section. The project is supported by Embassy and Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.


Choreographer, dance therapist and educator with a master's degree in Dance Therapy and CMA (Certified Movement Analyst) from the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies (LIMS®). Katharina Conradi works at the Academy of Theatre and Dance in Amsterdam and CODARTS in Rotterdam.

Her focus areas in education are creative process, contact improvisation, composition, release technique and the Laban Bartenieff Movement System.

She also works on art projects including the films entitled “Horizon” and “Der Schnee und das Mädchen”, and the community art project called “The home project” and presents “Moving Our Selves” with fellow educator Joanna Brotman.


By alternating the constant study of contemporary dance, acting and movement and personal choreographic research with his work as an educator, Alessio Maria Romano is both a choreographer, Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analyst (CMA) and teacher of physical training and stage movement at the "L. Ronconi" school of the Piccolo Teatro in Milan.

Since 2016 he has devoted himself to choreography and created “Dispersi”, “Choròs”, “Avida Dollars” and lastly “Bye Bye” which he took to the Biennale Teatro 2020. With the project “Choròs. The place where people dance” he was our guest at the 41st edition of the Festival.

He won the Italian National Critic's Award (ANCT) 2015 as an educator and theatre choreographer and in 2020 he received the Silver Lion at the Biennale Teatro.


The workshop is designed for dancers, actors, performers, and dance students. A CV is required for knowledge.


Saturday 24 June from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Sunday 25 June from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.


Workshop fee: 200 EUR + commission costs

Workshops are activated only when a minimum number of participants is reached: hurry up and register!