Adolescence is the only time we learn something.
Adolescence is the only time we learn something.
Adolescence: an age suspended between tumult and discovery, where every emotion is lived to the extreme and every experience leaves deep marks. With Spring Roll, we stage the essence of this crucial moment, in an artistic journey that mixes dance, physical theatre and collective storytelling. We don't simply narrate adolescence: we explore it, elevate it and offer it to the audience in all its beauty.
Spring Roll is a performative workshop that attempts to address one of the most pressing and complex issues of our times: bullying and social isolation among young people. In a world that is increasingly interconnected, but often lacking in empathy, the statistics are alarming: in 2024, 65% of teenagers said they had been bullied; of these, 63% had been bullied and 19% had been cyberbullied; one in ten goes so far as to contemplate suicide as their only escape route.
With a language of moving bodies, music and gestures, we give shape to these conflicts, showing the fragility and strength of a generation living on the edge. Stravinsky's Le Sacre du Printemps, with its evocative power, becomes a soundtrack and guide for a group of teenagers confronting their emotions and the pressures of a world that leaves no space for weakness.
In our Studio and in the Urban Center room in Corso Rosmini 58, Rovereto.
The meeting calendar:
Friday 7 of February h 5 - 7:30 pm, Oriente Occidente Studio
Saturady 8 of February h 4 - 6:30 pm, Oriente Occidente Studio
Sabato 8 marzo ore 16 - 18:30, Oriente Occidente Studio
Venerdì 21 marzo ore 17 - 19:30, Oriente Occidente Studio
Sabato 22 marzo ore 16 - 18:30, Oriente Occidente Studio
Venerdì 28 marzo ore 17 - 19:30, Oriente Occidente Studio
Sabato 29 marzo ore 16 - 18:30, Oriente Occidente Studio
Venerdì 11 aprile ore 17 - 19:30, Urban Center
Sabato 12 aprile ore 16 - 18:30, Urban Center
Venerdì 2 maggio ore 17 - 19:30, Oriente Occidente Studio
Sabato 3 maggio ore 16 - 18:30, Oriente Occidente Studio
Venerdì 23 maggio ore 17 - 19:30, Oriente Occidente Studio
Sabato 24 maggio ore 16 - 18:30, Oriente Occidente Studio
Venerdì 30 maggio ore 17 - 19:30, Oriente Occidente Studio
Sabato 31 maggio ore 16 - 18:30, Oriente Occidente Studio
Martedì 3 giungo orari e luogo da definire
Mercoledì 4 giungo orari e luogo da definire
Giovedì 5 giungo orari e luogo da definire
6 giugno presentazione orari e luogo da definire