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Sep 02 2023 - 16:30

Piazza del Mart, Rovereto

Moby Dick

An empty piazza breathing in anticipation. An ancestral noise resounds: on a cart twenty sailors beat large wooden barrels. The rhythm sets the pace for the crew's work on the cart, which soon becomes a stage and a shipyard. Planks, ropes, hoists: the sailors build Pequod.

Inspired by Herman Melville's novel, "Moby Dick" by the Compagnia Teatro dei Venti is a succession of struggles and merry raids from which stories and people emerge. The ship is led by the shadow of the terrible Captain Achab, who throws himself into the hunt for the monstrous white whale, dragging the entire crew with him into a final confrontation. The captain against the whale.

Man against nature, prodigy, the unknown, the fear of the abyss. Moby Dick is a story of intertwined destinies, of a lifeline that becomes a predator, of storms that crash the hopes of human beings. A story of dreams and obsessions.

“Moby Dick” won the 2019 Ubu Award for best stage design, the 2019 Rete Critica award for design/organisation, and was the 2019 Last Seen performance of the year for the Krapp's Last Post magazine.

From a formal point of view, the staging of this performance is second only to Luca Ronconi's Orlando Furioso.

- Corrado Augias, Quante storie Rai 3


Accessible space for people with physical disabilities.
Family-friendly performance.
Accessible to people who are deaf.
Free admission with reservation.

For more information on accessibility click here.

Moby Dick

Artistic direction Stefano Tè
Playwright Giulio Sonno
Direction advisor Mario Barzaghi
Live music Alex Ascione (sax), Matteo Pontegavelli (trumpet), Igino L. Caselgrandi (drums and percussion), Domenico Pizzulo (guitar and synth)
Costumes Teatro dei Venti
Light Alessandro Pasqualini
Sound Luigi Pascale
Scenography Dino Serra
Technical direction Dino Serra, Massimo Zanelli
Performers Alessio Boni, Oxana Casolari, Ettore Chiummo, Marco Cupellari, Giacomo Dominici, Federico Faggioni, Francesca Figini, Davide Filippi, Mara Lambriola, Giovanni Maia, Iona Petmezakis, Amalia Ruocco, Antonio Santangelo, Cesare Trebeschi, Davide Tubertini, Elisa Vignolo
Production Teatro dei Venti
Co-production Klaipeda Sea Festival (Lithuania)
Supported by Regione Emilia-Romagna, Comune di Modena, Fondazione di Modena
Contribution Comune di Dolo (VE)
In collaboration with Associazione Echidna

Duration 60'

As part of the project Lungo Le Vie Dell'ACQUA: Ambiente, Cultura, Qualità Di Vita Per Educare Alla Cittadinanza Globale (Along the Ways of Water: Environment, Culture, Quality of Life To Educate Global Citizenship), sponsored by the City of Rovereto and funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.